
The United Republic of Tanzania

National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

We Build Your Future


Survivors' Pension

Survivor’s benefits are payable to dependants of a deceased NSSF member. The benefit is intended to compensate for the loss of economic support previously provided by an insured person who has died.

Surviving dependants

Survivors’ benefit “Dependant” is defined as spouse, any child under the age of 18 or 21 if attending full-time education; and where there is no dependant spouse or child - parents of the deceased.

Qualifying Conditions

Survivor’s pension is payable to the dependants if, at the time of death, the Insured Person: -

  • Had attained pensionable age and would have been entitled to

retirement pension had he made a claim for such pension.

  • Would have been entitled to an invalidity pension if deemed to have

been suffering from permanent invalidity at the time of death.

Benefit payable

  • Survivor pension shall be determined the same as that of retirement pension
  • The amount of pension payable shall be distributed to spouse (40%) and children (60%) or parents (100%), in case there are no spouses and children.
  • Where an insured person qualifies for retirement pension or invalidity pension he/she shall be entitled to commuted pension (initial lump sum) payment and Monthly Pension.
  • Where an insured person dies while receiving retirement or Invalidity pension the survivors shall be entitled to a death grant equal to the Monthly Pension times 36.