
The United Republic of Tanzania

National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

We Build Your Future



The National Social Security Fund was established under the National Social Security Fund Act [Cap. 50 R.E 2018] to provide social security services to members from private and informal sectors.

Core Functions

Registration of members,

Collection of contributions,

Investing of the collected contributions

Payment of benefits to members


According to Section 6 of the NSSF Act, the following categories of employers and employees are registrable by the Fund. These categories include the following;

  • Private Sector which includes: -
  • Companies
  • Non-governmental organizations
  • Religious organizations

(b) Employees employed in International organizations operating in Mainland Tanzania

(c) Foreigners employed in Mainland Tanzania.

(d) Self-employed.

(e) Any other category of persons specified by the Minister


The contribution payable by the employer is twenty per centum (20%) of the employee’s monthly wages

  • Employee contribute 10%
  • Employer contribute 10%
  • Employer may opt to contribute at grater rate


The Fund investment activities are conducted in accordance of Fund’s Investment Policy guided by BOT guidelines/Principles and The Ministry responsible for Social Security Sector.


The Fund provides seven benefits which are categorized as long-term benefits and short-term benefits as follows

Long Term Benefits

Retirement Pension

Invalidity Pension

Survivor's Pension

Short Term Benefits

Funeral Grant

Maternity Benefit

Unemployment Benefit

Health Insurance Benefit

Pension is a term which expresses all long-term benefits offered by the Fund. It defines periodical payments given to a retired member, invalid persons and survivors of the deceased member to replace the loss of income resulting from old age, disability or death.
