Registration of Employers
Statutory Registration
All contributing employers are registered by filling form NSSF/R.1. The NSSF/R1 form shall be attached with a copy of Certificate of incorporation/registration, TIN Certificate, Business license and Certificate of Business name.
Registration of Religious Organizations
Ministries of religion are exempted by law to be registered by the Fund. However, if they desire to make contributions under the Act, they may apply to the Board in writing to be registered as contributing employers.
Registration of branches/department
Employers having branches or departments are not compelled by law to register their branches/departments separately but they can do so if they so wish. However, it is advisable for such employers to register their branches/departments separately for ease of direct communication between the members and the local NSSF offices.
Change of employer’s particulars
Every registered contributing Employer is obliged under the NSSF General Regulations to notify the Director General of any changes in respect of the following data; Change of Business Name, address and telephone number, branches/Departments opened or close, business location and change of ownership.
Transfer of business to another person
Where a business of a registered contributing employer has been transferred to another employer; If the new employer is not registered, he must be registered with the Fund promptly and If the new employer opts to continue using the name and NSSF number of the previous employer then she has to follow procedures
Closure of employer’s business
Regional offices shall ensure that close follow up is affected to all employers within their respective areas of jurisdiction to ascertain compliance status of each employer. In case any employer is found to be in the stage of winding up/closing down business, the respective office shall liaise with Legal Directorate on recovery of outstanding contributions and penalties (if any).